White Paper

Reimaginar La
Tienda Del Futuro:

La pandemia de la COVID-19 ha supuesto grandes retos para el sector minorista, y uno que probablemente tenga efectos a largo plazo es persuadir a los clientes de que vuelvan a comprar en tiendas físicas. Las preocupaciones por posibles contagios han hecho que muchos clientes se sientan incómodos en las tiendas. Los minoristas deberán adoptar medidas considerables para ganarse la confianza de los clientes que han cambiado sus comportamientos.

Reimagining The Store Of The Future SPANISH White Paper


The COVID-19 pandemic created significant challenges for retail, and one that is likely to have long-term effects is to persuade consumers to return to stores. Concerns over the potential for infection have left many consumers feeling uncomfortable in stores. Retailers must take meaningful steps to earn the trust of patrons whose values and behavior have changed.

Curbside pickup and home delivery have become preferred practices and are likely to continue for the foreseeable future. However, retailers have an interest in getting customers through the door since both approaches pose some limitations. Neither allows for impulse buying or picking up additional items.

To succeed in drawing customers inside, retailers must reassure them that stores have been properly disinfected and observe social distancing guidelines. The Store of the Future is inviting to patrons not so much for its stock and promotions but for providing a safe, clean place where people can shop without worrying about getting sick. Retailers that create the right atmosphere stand a better chance of thriving in a post-pandemic world.


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Reimaginar La Tienda Del Futuro

Reimaginar La Tienda Del Futuro